Setting up the development environment
Since redi's API uses TypeScript decorator syntax, you need to enable experimentalDecorators
in your tsconfig.json.
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true
Note: Make sure that TypeScript is translating your source code, not Babel, as Babel's support for decorators is different from TypeScript.
Scaffold Tool
Configuring your own development tools can be quite cumbersome. To get started quickly and enjoy the benefits of dependency injection, we have prepared a scaffold tool called redi-starter (opens in a new tab).
It provides the following features:
- Integration of redi with proper TypeScript configuration
- Integration with Prettier / ESLint / webpack / Jest
- Support for loading different code based on the target platform, for example, not loading
code on mobile devices
Simply clone this project to your local machine:
git clone
If you don't want to keep the Git history, you can use the degit (opens in a new tab) tool:
npx degit
VSCode Snippets
The following snippets can make it easier to declare class dependencies:
"Redi Injection Identifier": {
"prefix": ["@I"],
"body": [
"@I${1:identifier} private readonly _${2:name}: I${1:identifier},"
"description": "Inject an identifier with Redi."
"Redi Injection": {
"prefix": ["@In"],
"body": [
"@Inject(${1:identifier}) private readonly _${2:name}: ${1:identifier},"
"description": "Inject a class item with Redi."