With New Decorator

Creating a new instance for every injection

You can use WithNew to inject a new instance every time, which only makes sense when the dependency is a class or a factory.

When the injection item is a class:

let c = 0
class A {
    count = c++
class B {
    constructor(@WithNew() @Inject(A) private readonly a: A) {}
    get(): number {
        return this.a.count
const j = new Injector([[A], [B]])
const b1 = j.createInstance(B)
const b2 = j.createInstance(B)

When the injection item is a factory:

let c = 0;
const ICount = createIdentifier<number>("ICount");
class B {
  constructor(@WithNew() @Inject(ICount) public readonly count: number) {}
const j = new Injector([[B], [ICount, { useFactory: () => c++ }]]);
const b1 = j.createInstance(B);
const b2 = j.createInstance(B);

Note that redi would not cache the instance so you need to dispose the instance by yourself.